Judy even though you was our neighbor you we’re just like our family. My kids adored you. You we’re there for us though a lot of stuff. We will truly miss you. Its not going to be the same with you being gone. My family and I love you. REST In Peace Judy..
Judy was a small lady with a big heart and will truly be missed. She always brought a smile to your face. A very special person to me. All of us at BrickBracks will miss her. Love and prayers to her family.
Judy even though you was our neighbor you we’re just like our family. My kids adored you. You we’re there for us though a lot of stuff. We will truly miss you. Its not going to be the same with you being gone. My family and I love you. REST In Peace Judy..
Judy was a small lady with a big heart and will truly be missed. She always brought a smile to your face. A very special person to me. All of us at BrickBracks will miss her. Love and prayers to her family.